I have seen your mail and the entire assertions therein. I would have kept mute and ignore the letter, but for it not to be misunderstood as "concurring to your usual directives". Leadership is about Followership. One cannot claim he or she is a leader, when nobody is following him/her. For your information, you do not have the right or authority to say you're suspending anyone from Training functions.
Maybe it is a clarification that you'll require from Regional Office. Like l said in one of my mails to your Kolawole Shittu, "Training is a mean to an end and not the end itself". It is an input to Adult Support in Scouting in order to make them function well". We celebrated Training in Nigeria yesterday, because, when it seemed all was down at the center of Scouting Affairs in Nigeria then, it was the Brand name [(Training) that was coordinated by Veteran Octogenarian National Training Commissioner Emeritus, Pa. A.A. Lasaki] that was sustaining the center then.
NHQ Training Commissioner is like every other NHQ Commissioners that were supposed to be providing Administrative support to the Adults. The actual Process Owner is the Chief Commissioner.
Equally all the Oath that we read during appointments into WB, ALT and LT have since been violated by you, even several years back ranging from one Unethical Behaviors, Disrespect for Leadership and Process, Conflict of Interests whether by you or by your cohorts in which for the sake of peace and moving forward would not like to mention names nor instances. One of such violation is your current creation of another letter-head within the same Organization, cloning same for your personal benefit, on whose authority did you create this letter head????.
For your Knowledge, in an established Organization like The Scout Association of Nigeria, Letter-head is an Organization official document, and would not be altered for any use or any reason, unless with the authorization of the Council, likewise Warrant that; no single individual is permitted to print. Equally, Training is a subset of the organization and not a Stand-alone. Next time, please use Internal Memo.
"Based on a clause in your letter stating: Rules 45, and 266 (ii) of the Handbook of Rules, The Boy Scout Association of Nigeria (Revised 1973) as an appropriate measure to protect the good image of The Scout Association of Nigeria and prevent the prestigious "Wood Badge and Trainers Charge of Honor from further abuse."This is an example of you implicating yourself. I stand to be corrected for verification; all the charged Wood-badge Holders by me or Pa. A. A. Lasaki today, have records of completion of all the necessary Course Work, Practical and Observations at the National Headquarters. Please produce the list of all charged Leaders by you over the last one year, so that we can pull their Course work Materials or records of their involvements within the National office "Trainers in Nigeria know themselves and they know the upcoming Trainers that have shown competencies in that regards too".
You know the right this, why have you chosen to always do the wrong thing??? All the people you have negotiated with beads to yourself, can we have the records of their Trainingsantecedents???Please do not let us bastardize this process before you retrace your step. I have cases of people that have not gone through ALT Courses and today, and they wear three and or four beads from you. What type of legacy are we leaving, after knowing the right thing?
There is this proverbial saying in my Language that says." ALAKISA TO NJOLORU, TI O MO PE ILE MA MO"meaning: "Someone wearing rags in the night dancing, and he/she has forgotten that the day will break and everyone will see his/her nakedness". l have realized one quality about you; whether you're doing it knowingly or unknowingly, you like arrogating 'powers' to yourself and l am sure you cannot work seamlessly at where you're not asked to take the lead. You just referred to hierarchy in your mail; who set up the Training hierarchy you referenced with you???" When did you return back to Scouting or Training that you're documenting Directives? "Leaders do not give Directives, Leaders give Directions"
The position you thought you have, was it given to you on merit or passed Bulletin Board Test??? These are salient points that; you should have been meditating on by begging God for forgiveness that; you've in the little time that you're back into Scouting, wronged a lot of people and the process of the Scout Association of Nigeria.
Before now, there wasn't Politics in Scouting Nigeria, you came back and dished out positions that were not constituted in the Handbook of Rules or Constitution of the Scout Association of Nigeria; forming parallelgovernance and vouching openly that you cannot work with some people. You now master-minded everything in the Association thereby turning Scouting into "Man-know-Man" thereby promoting nepotism in Scouting, plus your constant disrespect for Constitution of the Association and constituted Authorities. Are you bold enough to say what caused misunderstanding between you and Dr. Oguntoye that you have always claimed you invited to come and be your State Commissioner, or Father Amolegbe that you openly canvassed and nominated his candidature for the position of CC? Are you now turning yourself to a boss that can hire and fire anytime, without any offense??
Have you realized that; since you came back into Scouting National lime-light, Scouting in Nigeria has not known PEACE???? WHAT IS YOUR INTEREST IN THE CONTINUOUS IMPASSE BETWEEN THE CHIEF SCOUT: ENGINEER RUFAI MOHAMMED AND THE CHIEF COMMISSIONER: REV. FR. KUNLE AMOLEGBE? Maybe you have a particular interest that all of us are not aware.
Have you forgotten the following facts that:
In 2006-2010,you master-minded a "Concerned Group" that formed a parallel governance against the Scouting Administration in Nigeria; A Treasonable offencethat was committed by you and your cohort Azuzu, but in the spirit of oneness, a plea went down for your forgiveness.What is your Interest please??
July 2007:you master minded a gang to write petition to the British Embassy requesting them not to give Nigerian Contingents Visas to attend the 21st World Scout Jamboree; everyone was initially turned down based on this petition, but thank God for the interventions of some well-meaning Nigerians, it will interest you to know that: 118 Adults and Younger Scouts attended the program and they came back in-country as they went. What is your Interest please??
January 2008:The move to reinstate you back into Ogun State Scouting was muted on the 29th of January 2008 meeting of the Central Working Committee in which Father Amolegbe was the Chairman? Despite your past negative antecedents towards the association; you were brought back for the same sake of peace and bringing everyone together.What is your Interest please??
June 2010: you were the same person that flew the kite of the election of Engineer Rufai and Father Amolegbe as against the agenda of the said meeting of June 2010 which was out mainly to review the Constitution of the Association. Constitution (whether Old or New) stipulates Appointment of Senior Officers of the Association as against Elections that could bring Politics and bad blood into Scouting. Today, Rev Father Amolegbe that you nominated for Elections as the Chief Commissioner is now your Ark Enemy??? What is your Interest please??
September 2010:You scanned your warrant of office like a small boy to everyone in Nigerian Scouting to confirm your ignorant selection over a younger person in age to you, thereby heating up the Training Leadership environment in Nigeria, knowing fully well that; the position was not given to you via merit, due to your long year of inactivity in Scouting and Scouting Training in Nigeria. This is just a reference, because ignorantly too, the younger person was erroneously given a National portfolio that is bigger and has more ownership responsibilities over Training. What is your Interest please??
9th of December 2010meeting at Abuja, when all participants at the meeting agreed to resolve the friction created by you between Engineer Rufai Mohammed and Rev. Father Amolegbe, and the sitting jointly requested Engineer Rufai Mohammed and Rev Father Amolegbe to embrace each other and let by-gone be by-gone. The duo obliged to the Council request. However immediately after these reconciliations, you were the only odd man out that stood up and spoke in a rudely manner that; "You cannot work with Rev. Father Amolegbe as the Chief Commissioner and that you will see to his removal. This is a Chief Commissioner that we all elected together. What is your Interest please?that you said you cannot and will not work with him? Are you greater than the entire Council?
Just same December 2010 that the duo met to move the Scouting Association forward, and the request of the Chief Commissioner that all National Headquarters Commissioners to submit their Three-year plans for review and approvals, you affirmed at the February 17th 2011 Meeting of the National Committee; that you were not going to submit your Plan to the Chief Commissioner; an example of gross misconduct and insubordination.What is your Interest please?? It would be of note to you to know that even Mallam Bagudu of blessed memories, and Mr. Idowu Esan submitted their plans on-line to Rev. Father Amolegbe as requested.
26th of February 2011during an approved Adult Resources Management workshop for Zone 1 (Lagos Ondo, Osun Oyo and Ogun) that was duly approved by the Chief Scout and the Chief Commissioner, you were this same person that stood on the Chief Scout that a special meeting should be called for the same day, same time at Benin; just to frustrate the Ibadan Workshop. Part of your instruction, was to tell the Ogun State Scout Council not to attend the session after my personal reconciliations with you. What is your Interest please??
26th of March 2011, a meeting of the National Council was called based on Constitutional provisions. The meeting was to discuss the Roles and Responsibilities of each Council member so as to prevent cohesions amongst Leaders. You were the same person sending text messages to Council members not to attend the meeting that was properly called by the Council.What is your Interest please??
June 2011, you were the one writing under different names, confusing people on whether the Owerri meeting was a Council Meeting or the Annual General Meeting. What is your Interest please??
June 2011, when the body lost a rear gem in position of Mallam Bagudu to a ghastly Motor accident, you were the same person that was confusing people with text messages around that; Rev. Father Amolegbe has killed Mallam Bagudu, a Character defamation move by you, in an already heated environment. What is your Interest please??
7th of September 2011, you cloned a letter head as against the Principles of the Association, wrote on same that you have suspended some people in Training participation. On whose authority are you writing?? Stop arrogating fake powers that you do not have to yourselves. Leaders can only be suspended for participation in Training activities having engaging in Unethical things that are against the norms of the Association. Come up with your allegations and l will provide you multiplication of ten, while you and your team should not be standing tall as leaders in the Scouting Society.
I can confirm as an Adult Resources Commissioner in charge of Adult Recruitments; Training & Support and Management that; all the twelve mentioned Leaders in your letter of 7th of September 2011 stand valid for all Training and Development programs as approved by WOSM, our Chief Scout and Chief Commissioner.If you're not OK with this submissions, please go to the Nigeria Court of Law to context my submissions, and we shall see who is right. Trying to do it in an unruly way in which you're known for would definitely put you in problems that you cannot envisage. For clarity of purpose; go and review the World Training Policy and the World Adult Resources Policy Comparative Studies for clarifications. The World Scout Conference, the supreme body of Scouting in the World through the World Scout Committee cannot be faulted in any of their decisions, because the position is being manned by very smart and competent set of people and not daft leaving on old and past glories. .
For everyone's learning: WOSM Principles and Policy of World Adult Resources Management Program referenced Adult In Scouting functions: WARP 202:3: The Management of Adult Resources under the Life Cycle Programs encompasses:The Recruitments of Adult, Selections, Contracting, Training and Personal Support and Performance Appraisals.
Extracts from WARP: 202.3, 2005: World Scout Conference Submissions:
The 'life cycle' of adults in the Movement: Adults in Scouting recognizes the concept of a 'life cycle' in every task or role in Scouting. It is an approach that gives careful consideration to all aspects of the management of adults and includes their recruitment, selection, contracting, training and personal support and their performance appraisal.
Plans are under way to resolve the Leadership impasse between the Chief Scout, Engineer Rufai Mohammed and the Chief Commissioner, Rev Father Amolegbe, by meaningful Elders and the World Scout body through their Regional Offices; you have started to fly a disunity kite again, so as to forestall the move. What is your Interest please??
The Handbook of Rules and the sections referenced in your letter dated 7th of September 2011, have always been violated by you. Mentioning the Integrity of the Wood badge process and the Trainers Honor; you'll agree that things must be done properly by following due process. I can confirm that most of the awards made by you in the recent past lack all the merits of the award; correct me if l am wrong on most of your WB, ALT and LT appointments? Beads were dashed out instead of earned. What is your Interest please??
Please my brother; point to one positive thing you have added to Scouting having been given opportunity over the last one years to serve as the NTC?Someone that knows you too well said in 2008; and l quote: "He said; we (Father Amolegbe & l) will regret pleading and or coordinating settlement of Ogun State issue that facilitated your reinstatement back into Scouting sooner than later, it is visible today that the prediction was right. You're a respected Adult; the expectations from you over the last few months have not been encouraging
vis-a-vis turning a good leaf as promised by you day one.
WOSM that you're referencing now, for the very first time, has always been the body you have flagrantly disobeyed severally in actions and in deed and that has led to the suspension you referenced. It would interest you to note that; after promising all of us as an NHQ Commissioner that you will see to the removal of a Chief Commissioner at the 9th of December 2010 meeting in Abuja, despite the reconciliations and warm embrace by Engineer Rufai and Father Amolegbe, the devil's advocate still played out his scripts and has continued to play out the scripts. What is your Interest please??
If you look back you'll NOT see anyone, you're the only odd man causing one trouble or the other. You'll be the one that will be sending texts around defaming people's character, asking people not to attend Council meetings, equally be a speaking voice for everyone. Are you not tired???? You're closer to 60 years than been 50, you're not young in the struggle again. "AGBA MA NYO OGUN JA NI" meaning "'Elders thread with cautions". What do you want? You're a Senior man for God sake. All what we are doing in Scouting is a Legacy, let it be in your records and mine tomorrow that we have contributed into this word better than we met it.......Please let Scouting be at peace in Nigeria, because you're the only person causing these frictions.
Sent from my BlackBerry® Smartphone, from Etisalat.
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